Event information

Lévay Villa Hotel ****
Lévay Villa Hotel **** prices

City Hotel Miskolc ****
City Hotel Miskolc **** prices

Park Hotel *** Miskolctapolca
Park Hotel Miskolc offers to its guests:
single-room: 7000 HUF/person/night
double-room: 4.500 HUF/person/night
triple-room: 4.200 HUF/person/night
Prices include American (buffet) breakfast.
The tax for tourists 450 HUF/person over 18/night is not included in the price of accomodation.
Dinner is available, should be ordered in advance; a 3-course menu (starter, main course, dessert) costs 2000 HUF/person

Centrum Apartman Hotel

Number of guests: 20 people/team
Accomodation: in double-, triple- or quadruple rooms
Prices: double-room: 12.800 HUF/apartman/night
– triple-room: 15.600 HUF/apartman/night
– quadruple room: 19.200 HUF/apartman/night
Supplyment: American (buffet) breakfast be ordered (+990HUF), cost is not included in the price of accomodation, breakfast is available between 8-10.00 am.
Method of payment: cash/bank card/ credit card.

double-room: 9 including onewith twin-bed
– triple-room: 9  with twin-beds also
– quadruple room: 5
The tax for tourists 450 HUF/person over 18/night is not includede in the price of accomodation. Branch ‘B’ is clear thus convenient for disabled customers too.
The apartmans are with equipped kitchens, other facilities in the rooms: cabel TV, wireless Internet access are free of charge.
Our hotel is divided into ‘A’ and ‘B’ branches with elevators and garages under the building.